Kristen Kenoyer
"Making a difference one day at a time"
- 433 TOTAL
participant impact
UP TO75minutesspent outdoors
UP TO60minutesof additional sleep
UP TO75minutesspent exercising
UP TO11plastic bottlesnot sent to the landfill
UP TO80gallons of waterhave been saved
Kristen 's actions
I will spend 5-10 minutes each day meditating, in prayer or reading inspirational literature.
Go for a Daily Walk
I will take a 15-minute walk outside each day.
Use Reusable Bottles
I will use a reusable bottle and stop purchasing bottled water, saving 1 disposable plastic bottle(s) a day.
De-Clutter My Home
I will de-clutter, clean, and donate or recycle unneeded items in my home.
5-Minute Showers
I will save up to 20 gallons (75 L) of water each day by taking 5-minute showers.
I will write down three things every day that I am grateful for, or send one email every day thanking or praising someone.
Switch to Cold Water
I will switch to washing my clothes in cold water.
Adjust the Thermostat
I will adjust my thermostat down 2 degrees from usual when I use the heat, and up 2 degrees when I use air conditioning.
Healthy Sleep
I will commit to getting 15 more minute(s) of sleep each night to achieve at least 7 hours per night.
Participant Feed
Reflection, encouragement, and relationship building are all important aspects of getting a new habit to stick.
Share thoughts, encourage others, and reinforce positive new habits on the Feed.
To get started, share “your why.” Why did you join the challenge and choose the actions you did?
Kristen Kenoyer 5/19/2019 12:24 PMHappy to be a part of such a great challenge! -
Kristen Kenoyer 5/15/2019 9:28 PMFinal stretch, let's get busy and make a change!! -
Kristen Kenoyer 5/14/2019 9:20 PM5 minute showers are hard, but important never even thought twice about before this challenge.-
Jeanne Poirier 5/15/2019 6:50 PMMore to come - good on you!
Kristen Kenoyer 5/12/2019 7:21 PMThankful to be a part of this challenge! -
Kristen Kenoyer 5/10/2019 9:20 PMEveryday is a challenge, every little thing we do makes a difference. -
Kristen Kenoyer 5/09/2019 8:57 PMThere are so many ways each of us can make a difference, keep up the good work! -
Kristen Kenoyer 5/08/2019 8:31 PMMaking a difference feels good -
Kristen Kenoyer 5/07/2019 8:32 PMTaking one day at a time