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Reflection, encouragement, and relationship building are all important aspects of getting a new habit to stick.
Share thoughts, encourage others, and reinforce positive new habits on the Feed.

To get started, share “your why.” Why did you join the challenge and choose the actions you did?

  • Jacquelyn Heath's avatar
    Jacquelyn Heath 5/19/2019 9:16 PM
    Done! Including 2 concerts, an annual report, a garden, and a grant application.  Looking forward to a "grand" time with grandchildren.  

  • Martin  Heath 's avatar
    Martin Heath 5/19/2019 7:21 PM
    Walked to the sacred music concert at Grace Lutheran church.  What a gift for the whole community. 

  • Kyle Folden's avatar
    Kyle Folden 5/19/2019 2:51 PM
    Final day! Great job everyone thanks for participating in my eco-challenge team! Don't forget to get those last points!

  • Jacquelyn Heath's avatar
    Jacquelyn Heath 5/18/2019 8:52 PM
    Went to Touch a Truck.  A lot of fun. And I finally got a good picture of a pot nanny at work. See images. 

  • Martin  Heath 's avatar
    Martin Heath 5/18/2019 3:04 PM
    Walked up to Touch a Truck. What a great community activity! Thank you to all of the participating organizations.

  • Jacquelyn Heath's avatar
    Jacquelyn Heath 5/17/2019 11:11 PM
    I finished filling my flowerpots and saved the plastic plant containers to get a discount on microgreens. I had repainted 2 pots with a crazy idea I had for a paint job. See image. I put recycled wine bottles in pot nannies.  Oh, the effort of getting those wine bottles emptied.  

    • Jacquelyn Heath's avatar
      Jacquelyn Heath 5/18/2019 8:46 PM
      One of the microgreens places at the farmers ' market appreciates plastic pots. In some towns, you can bring your plastic pots back to your local nurseries and get stuff, or karma, from them.  

    • Jeanne Poirier's avatar
      Jeanne Poirier 5/18/2019 7:54 PM
      I had no idea anyone would re-use the plastic plant containers - and personally, I have no problem emptying wine bottles!!  I love Two Vines from Washington State!  :)

  • Cynthia Landin's avatar
    Cynthia Landin 5/17/2019 1:21 PM
    Never went on that walk yesterday because it started raining hard. But we did go have ice cream and shakes and we brought back the plastic to recycle instead of throwing them in the trash. 

    • Jeanne Poirier's avatar
      Jeanne Poirier 5/17/2019 8:15 PM
      It did rain- wow!  Try to remember your sustainable, reusable straws and challenge yourself to avoid single use plastics.  Hope you enjoy beautiful walks the next day or so before rain returns.   :)

  • Jacquelyn Heath's avatar
    Jacquelyn Heath 5/16/2019 10:04 PM
    Almost done. I'm looking forward to "Touch a Truck." Also, I hope to see you at our Appleaires concert, "I've Got Rhythm.!"  May 17, 7 PM, Grace Lutheran Church in Wenatchee.  Singing is a great way to improve lung function, exercise,  and relieve stress. And it doesn't require a lot of equipment or external energy!

    • Cynthia Landin's avatar
      Cynthia Landin 5/17/2019 1:26 PM
      I'm hoping we can take Neven to "Touch a Truck" but sissy does have a ballet recital tomorrow so we will see...

  • Martin  Heath 's avatar
    Martin Heath 5/16/2019 3:42 PM
    Microrecycling today. Harvested seeds from my last batch of salsa verde, and now am planting a new batch of tomatillo seedlings for next fall's salsa verde.

    • Jeanne Poirier's avatar
      Jeanne Poirier 5/16/2019 8:53 PM
      Hoorah - I think tomatoes, peppers, herbs are so awesome home grown.  Good on you!  I'm looking forward to the harvest, though the year is going fast enough!

  • Kyle Folden's avatar
    Kyle Folden 5/16/2019 3:39 PM
     Cooking another meatless dinner tonight 

    • Jeanne Poirier's avatar
      Jeanne Poirier 5/16/2019 8:56 PM
      I hope it's delicious and you enjoy many more after the Eco-Challenge!!