Stefanie Neff
"Keep it clean, keep it green! We've only got this one earth!"
- 1,085 TOTAL
participant impact
UP TO390minutesof additional sleep
UP TO26plastic bottlesnot sent to the landfill
UP TO291gallons of waterhave been saved
Stefanie's actions
Eliminate Toxic Plastics
I will avoid buying and using toxic plastics.
Add Insulation
I will check my attic and crawlspace and add insulation if needed, and apply for a PUD rebate.
I will donate unneeded clothing, books, and household items rather than throwing them away.
Plant a Herb Garden
I will plant an herb garden in my home, workplace, or dorm room.
I will hike a local trail. (Consider joining one of Chelan Douglas Land Trust outings such as May 8 Sam Hill Walk for Families.)
Inspect, maintain and clean your septic system regularly
I will contact a septic system company to ask how I can keep my septic system healthy with non toxic products or schedule a cleaning.
Install a Low-Flow Showerhead
I will save up to 15 gallons (56 L) of water a day by installing a low-flow showerhead.
Tend a Garden
I will tend to a garden each day, or work on starting one.
Recycle Materials
I will recycle all materials that are accepted by local haulers or drop stations in my community.
I will visit Rocky Reach Dam and learn about salmon migration.
Sustainable Community
I will establish an emergency kit and escape route in case of natural disaster like wild fire.
Buy Only What I Need
I will not buy anything except items required for health and safety.
I will set up a compost pile in my backyard where I can compost food scraps. I'll teach my family abou how to separate food scraps and place them in the compost pile.
Use Reusable Bottles
I will use a reusable bottle and stop purchasing bottled water, saving 2 disposable plastic bottle(s) a day.
Healthy Sleep
I will commit to getting 30 more minute(s) of sleep each night to achieve at least 7 hours per night.
Conserve Toilet Water
I will save up to 12 gallons (45 L) of water a day by flushing only when necessary.
Participant Feed
Reflection, encouragement, and relationship building are all important aspects of getting a new habit to stick.
Share thoughts, encourage others, and reinforce positive new habits on the Feed.
To get started, share “your why.” Why did you join the challenge and choose the actions you did?
Stefanie Neff 5/18/2019 6:47 PMTodays bounty! Sheds and shrooms!-
Stefanie Neff 5/18/2019 8:32 PMThanks, Jeanne! We had a great day! -
Jeanne Poirier 5/18/2019 7:30 PMAnd fantastic help! Good on you all! Enjoy the discoveries!!
Stefanie Neff 5/18/2019 5:43 PMFound a bunch of morels this aftetnoon!-
Jeanne Poirier 5/18/2019 7:36 PMENJOY!
Stefanie Neff 5/17/2019 10:16 PMBig day tomorrow! Soccer game, Touch-a-Truck, morel hunting!-
Jeanne Poirier 5/18/2019 7:57 PMAnd you did great!
Stefanie Neff 5/17/2019 8:31 PMWe ranked 7th! Get those one-time actions completed, they are worth 75 points! You can select up to 8 of them and they are relatively easy! Hike a new trail, visit the fish ladder at Rocky Reach Dam, you can do it! 2 days left!-
Jenni Uhlrich 5/18/2019 6:28 PMI completed 2 today, 1 more to go!
Stefanie Neff 5/17/2019 8:25 PMDoes anyone know the name of these flowers? I love them!-
Jeanne Poirier 5/18/2019 8:06 PMSend this photo to Ted Alway at Derby Canyon Natives. Looks like a lotus flower, but can't be! BEAUTIFUL FIND - you are getting some great treasure collections!!
Stefanie Neff 5/17/2019 8:21 PMGoing morel hunting again tomorrow! Hoping I'll find more than 1 this time... -
Stefanie Neff 5/17/2019 10:36 AMAnyone know how I get the points for my donation to Sustainable Wenatchee?-
Jeanne Poirier 5/17/2019 8:26 PMLooking at previous posts it take a couple days, but good on you. I'm sure it'll happen. I sent a check and I got points. Sustainable Wenatchee is awesomely worth it aside from this great Eco-Challenge! Good luck! -
Stefanie Neff 5/17/2019 4:38 PMI emailed, and sent my receipt. Should get my points by this evening! -
Jenni Uhlrich 5/17/2019 1:46 PMI have no idea but I think it's a decent amount of points.. Email them! -
Nicole Laudermilk 5/17/2019 11:49 AMI dont have an answer but I also didnt get points for when barb joined
Stefanie Neff 5/16/2019 8:45 PMUgh! So over this rain! But enjoying a fire again! -
Stefanie Neff 5/15/2019 10:23 PMDiscovered one of toilets was running every 15 min and fixed it today wuth a new part! Hurray! -
Stefanie Neff 5/14/2019 10:53 PMFun night with our volunteers!