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Eco-Energizers Feed


Reflection, encouragement, and relationship building are all important aspects of getting a new habit to stick.
Share thoughts, encourage others, and reinforce positive new habits on the Feed.

To get started, share “your why.” Why did you join the challenge and choose the actions you did?

  • Janet Jaspers's avatar
    Janet Jaspers 5/19/2019 12:38 PM
    Spending time in the garden today.  

  • Janet Jaspers's avatar
    Janet Jaspers 5/19/2019 12:37 PM
    Cooking lots of yummy veggies today. 

  • Susan Gillin's avatar
    Susan Gillin 5/18/2019 7:47 PM
    Does cooking and cleaning for house guests three weekend in a row count as exercise? Whew!

  • Janet Jaspers's avatar
    Janet Jaspers 5/17/2019 9:29 AM
    Getting out for a bike ride in this beautiful valley today.

  • John Yale's avatar
    John Yale 5/17/2019 3:25 AM

  • John Yale's avatar
    John Yale 5/17/2019 3:24 AM
    Ok, I took credit for hiking a local trail, Volcan Pinchana, I didn’t realize it is active😃. I figure local means local to where I am.  Hard to say I’m composting though since I’m eating in restaurants. 
    We are on the home street here, keep at it. 

  • Sergio Sanchez's avatar
    Sergio Sanchez 5/16/2019 4:03 PM
    Final Stretch! #FinishStrong

  • John Yale's avatar
    John Yale 5/14/2019 3:41 PM
    OK y’all. I’m in Quito, doing my best at my daily challenges. Hard to say I tended a garden today. I did put my lunch waste in a recycle can though. Yes, believe it or not, here the have three waste cans including compost. So keep at it, just takes a little creativity sometimes. 🐢

  • Allison Brodine's avatar
    Allison Brodine 5/14/2019 3:26 PM
    Chelan PUD's three collective teams have the most points for all the organizations represented so far!  Our individual team is also doing well.  Keep up the great work!

  • Janet Jaspers's avatar
    Janet Jaspers 5/14/2019 1:59 PM
    New herb garden in old flower pot!